Golden Oriole South West France Lot department

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Messages : 2
Inscription : 15 juil. 2018, 21:15

Golden Oriole South West France Lot department

Messagepar DaveFrance » 15 juil. 2018, 22:29

My trail camera captured this video today and I am thinking it must be a juvenile as certainly not as bright as a male and does not appear to have the spotted breast of the female.

Have repeated a slow motion replay within video. Also attached snapshot from video to help.
Would appreciate all comments.
vs180715-012_DxOCPS Golden Oriole.jpg
vs180715-012_DxOCPS Golden Oriole.jpg (104.83 Kio) Consulté 1595 fois

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Messages : 19683
Inscription : 07 oct. 2012, 17:51

Re: Golden Oriole South West France Lot department

Messagepar Jean FRANCOIS » 16 juil. 2018, 07:55

this is a Golden Oriole female.
In the male, the lores would be black.
The joung is less yellow and more spotted on the lower parts.

Messages : 2
Inscription : 15 juil. 2018, 21:15

Re: Golden Oriole South West France Lot department

Messagepar DaveFrance » 16 juil. 2018, 08:52

Jean FRANCOIS  : Hello,
this is a Golden Oriole female.
In the male, the lores would be black.
The joung is less yellow and more spotted on the lower parts.

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